Recognizing the unique needs of children in foster care, States and the Federal government have launched efforts in recent years to increase the educational stability of and to improve educational outcomes for these youth. New requirements under Title I of the ESEA, as amended by the ESSA, highlight the need to provide educational stability for children in foster care, with particular emphasis on collaboration and joint decision-making between child welfare agencies and educational agencies.
As a district we are committed to providing foster care students the additional support they may need. A student in foster care has a right to:
- Remain in his or her school of origin, unless it is determined that remaining in the school of origin is not in that child’s best interest;
- Transportation to and from their school of origin;
- Gain assistance from the district liaison or other school contact with enrolling;
- Receive additional services such as special education, EL, LAP, Title 1, Highly Capable, preschool and career/technical.
Contact Information
Rochester School District Foster Care Liaisons
Additional Contact Information
Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction Foster Care Education Program Supervisor Peggy Carlson (360) 725-6505. Questions may also be sent to the foster care email at: [email protected]